What if both sides are flawed?
Presumably the anti-relativist is left with a pretty thin gruel of what constitutes truth, if all relational context is suspect.
Yet science can never get beyond the fact it is based on trial and error, making any conclusions subject to further review.
There is a tendency to treat math as some platonic truth, but it should be noted that epicycles were truly brilliant math, but the geocentric premise on which they were based, was only subjectively true, with regards to human observation.
I suspect that science in general and cosmology in particular, will have a serious reality check, as the James Webb Space Telescope begins to observe ever further reaches of the cosmos and starts to find ever further, undeniably mature galaxies as the source of the cosmic background radiation, not some primordial event.
The problem this will pose for the larger world of theoretical physics, is the only way light redshifts over distance, is as multi spectrum packets, since the higher frequencies dissipate faster, but that would mean we are only sampling a wave front, not observing individual photons of light that traveled billions of lightyears. Making the quantification of light a matter of absorption and measurement, not fundamental.
Given the degree to which theoretical physics has been floundering the last several decades, this will seriously rock the boat.
That's the real problem with truth. It doesn't come neatly packaged. Whether as quanta, atoms, objects, or individuals.
One idea that has occurred to me, to explain why our definitions lack finality, is that synchronization is centripetal, while harmonization is centrifugal. Given they are effectively two sides of the same coin, we end up with nodes and networks, organisms an ecosystems. One coalescing inward, toward equilibrium, while the other radiates out, toward infinity. So between black holes and black body radiation.
It is just that when we are trying to deduce some signal from the noise, useful map of the territory, the effect is to synchronize around our particular point of focus, awareness and interests. Yet we cannot totally ignore the larger, effectively infinite context from which this pattern is extracted and when we try too hard to do so, we spiral into that void at the center, where all definition has cancelled out.
It's like trying to eliminate all noise from the perfect signal.