John Brodix Merryman Jr.
6 min readMay 13, 2020


What if that dichotomy of energy and form is truly fundamental?

Here is an interesting argument for a “loading theory of light;”

Just for discussion, assume that quanta are more like frequency and amplitude, than the underlaying energy. An interview, suggesting something similar;

So the forms are patterns generated, the process of measuring, interacting, etc, is effectively creating the definitions it measures. Any effort to measure the energy is form and thus emergent, from the dynamics required to interact and thus measure.

Consider the particular cosmological anomaly of Dark Matter. There is far more gravitational attraction evident in galaxies, than can be explained by the apparent mass, but what if we are looking at it backwards, that mass is just the lower bounds of a wave collapse that goes all the way out the spectrum, to where quanta/photons are the most basic units of measurement, frequencies, that can be measured, yet are also where this energy starts coalescing. So this attraction is a function of that entire spectrum. Rather than gravity as a property of mass, mass is an effect of this attraction.

I’m laying this out as a way to set up a context for the points I raise.

“that humans routinely discount the power that relatively simple iterating patterns (for example, propagation of viral agents) can have on very sophisticated social behavior”

Yet consider that human perception is necessarily reductionistic. Our mental function is to navigate through this complex reality, so we are always loooking for the maps of the paths through the territory. We cannot mentally multitask and branch out and feedback, as individuals, only, barely, as communities and as ecosystems of communities. So this discounting is essential to our process of perception. Then we try to contextualize what we’ve first clarified. Put the pieces back together.

“we’ll make one up on the spot to fill in the gap, even when it’s obvious to everyone around us that our narrative is full of holes. We preprogrammed to fear uncertainty far more than imperfection,’

We are programed to survive. That means our story has to continue. It’s bit like the difference between being awake and dreaming. When we are awake, our minds constantly create images out of the input and imagine consequences from them, but we constantly have to incorporate new input and those bubbles of potentialities pop. Yet when we are dreaming, there is much less outside input, so our minds just follow these mental imaginings around, with one leading to the next.

This tends to have social and political consequences, as the more powerful we become, the more we can push back against those outside factors and live out our dream state. “Power corrupts.”

“ Yet even when we sense that others resonate with our framing, it can be hard to separate how much of the convergence is due to word and behavior choices and optics that trigger mirror neuron activities (genetics and culture) versus how much is intrinsic to the situation at hand.”

I’m a big fan of reading over video and visuals for efficient information transfer. Not to say a picture isn’t worth a thousand words, but it also diverts a lot of mental processing, as well.

“Not only 4-vector of spacetime but also the complementary 4-vector of energy-momentum — these two vectors are the essential dynamics of the physical world we experience through our consciousness.”

Maps, not territory. Three spatial dimensions are really just the xyz coordinate system and consequently require a center, 0/0/0 point. They are no more fundamental to space, than longitude, latitude and altitude are fundamental to the biosphere of this planet. Mapping devices.

Consider that in General Relativity, in the frame moving at the speed of light, measures of distance and duration dilate to zero. So what if we go the other direction? Wouldn’t the frame with the longest rulers and fastest clocks be closest to the equilibrium of the vacuum, through which light travels at C?

The unmoving void of absolute zero. So it’s not aether, but equilibrium that frames this relationship, of light to space.

Spacetime is an assumption, extracted from the premise the observations are fundamental, such as time as a literal dimension. Consider that epicycles were brilliant math, as a description of our view of the cosmos and far more accurate than early heliocentric models, as we couldn’t see from the sun’s point of view. Though the crystalline spheres were lousy physics, as explanation. Spacetime is the modern equivalent of the crystalline spheres. A projection, based on the assumption the math is foundational.

That the map/math is a skeleton on which the territory is wrapped around. Though the territory is more the cycles of chicken and egg, not just flesh wrapped around skeletons.

Given space is also infinite, as it would require some property or structure to limit it, so than space is both the absolute and the infinite.

Then consider that of what fills space, energy and the forms it manifests, energy radiates toward infinity, while form coalesces toward equilibrium. Both effectively entropic.

“We can only sense the flows of time and energy as they’re mediated through it.”

Time, energy…temperature…pressure….

“I wouldn’t be so quick to dismiss the potential relevance of these laws to the way we produce our thought and emotion but I fully agree that that framing time as emergent effect is useful.”

True. What if we thought of the emotional side as thermostat and barometer, while the rational side is the sequential cause and effect of clock and ruler? Consider that we can only “know” a wave as it crests, fully formed, then go onto the next. So thought would be like the cresting wave, the fully formed point of our conscious perception. While emotion is like the wave building, or even receding. We don’t know the form, but we can feel the temperature and pressure changing.

“We’ve mastered the latter sufficiently well that we can connect essentially all of humanity through a small wireless device we hold in the palm of our hands.’

Yet we’ve evolved for over a billion years. Why haven’t we organically developed anything similar? Or have we and has our modern atomized, isolated, individuated culture buried it under too much ideology. Having grown up around more animals, than people, I think the latter. Have you ever sensed “floaters?” Long story… Tangent.

“The intuitive, inductive loop attempts to reverse-engineer the gameplay from its effects on the game, and the deductive, predictive loop that lets us continuously experiment with the theory we produce.’

Or the barometer side senses the wave starting to build and pitches it over the rational side, which quickly comes up with some story to show how much it knows, rather than withholding any judgement, until sufficient information has accumulated. Have you noticed how much you see, as a passenger in the car, relative to what the driver has to focus on? Sometimes knowing what you don’t know, is every bit as important, if not even more so, than what you do know, as one always assumed more that what they think. So the reverse engineering is more a tool of the deductive predictive side.

“We can’t introduce new patterns without pulling them out of the chaos that we can’t understand because a finite amount of it can be legible to us at any point in time. In fact, all new value must come from this place, otherwise we’re just recycling old patterns”

Sometimes we have to just sit back and watch it unfold. The general view, versus the detailed view. Generals run armies. Specialist is about one rank above private.

I realize you undoubtfully think I’m some sort of crank, just haven’t figured what I’m getting wrong and I accept that, as I’ve butted various scared cows here, but this is just an argument to show how deep this issue of maps versus territories goes into our culture. The frames that give our reality focus and description, yet also control the limits of our thinking, like languages. The very fact of definition is also limitation. Like cultures.

Which we are then motivated to transcend, then compelled to qualify and quantify…… Waves, cycles.

Here is an essay I wrote;



John Brodix Merryman Jr.
John Brodix Merryman Jr.

Written by John Brodix Merryman Jr.

Having an affair with life. It's complicated.

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