What if The Path, The Way, is some infinite feedback loop?
Opposite the absolute/equilibrium, is infinity.
Like the number line, zero to infinity.
Space isn't just the three dimensional, xyz coordinate system, which is really just a mapping device, like longitude, latitude and altitude, but is equilibrium and infinity.
Given in a frame moving at the speed of light, both time and distance shrink to zero, then going the other direction, the frame with the longest ruler and fastest clock is closest to the equilibrium of the vacuum. The unmoving void of absolute zero.
What fills space is energy and the form/information it expresses. While the energy radiates out, toward infinity, the form settles back toward equilibrium.
So we have galaxies, of energy radiating out, as form coalesces in. Even though the form is just expressions of the energy.
Consciousness to the future. Perceptions to the past.