What if the process of polarization is natural, but that our efforts to frame it as either/or are at fault?
It is safe to say that we could go to any society on earth, current or historical, and there will be those seeking to push the boundaries of the cultural framework and those seeking to strengthen it.
Reality is that dichotomy of energy and form. We are driven by our desires and steered by our judgement. The head and the heart. Anarchy versus tyranny.
Even galaxies are energy radiating out, as form coalesces in.
Yet we are constantly trying to frame it all in one singular state or ideal. So both sides of this dynamic see themselves as on the one true path and the others as misbegotten fools.
The problem for the liberal side is that not every acorn gets to be an oak tree, yet they really can't have a culturally evolved sorting process, or they become conservatives. Ultimately the situation devolves into a society run by a fear based bureaucracy, as only fear can keep everyone in line and the bureaucracy is the structure shorn of the uniqueness of particular cultures. Stalinism.
The problem for the conservatives is this dynamic and momentum is what drives life and society. Without all those acorns constantly pushing upward, there would shortly be no forest.
Motor and steering.
More yin and yang, than God Almighty.