What if there is something far more fundamental at work?
That all knowledge is inherently centripetal. The signals we extract from the noise are what synchronizes with our prior belief/models, coalescing and condensing into ever more concrete beliefs. Then we bond with those on similar wavelengths and the feedback reenforces our worldview?
Basically we are always spiraling down some rabbit hole or another.
The opposite side of the coin is the energy/noise radiated back out harmonizes the larger reality. Nodes and networks, organisms and ecosystems.
Consider religion; Democracy and republicanism originated in pantheistic cultures. The family and cycle of life as godhead. To the Ancients, monotheism equated with monoculture. One people, one rule, one god.
Christianity was an amalgam of both, which the Romans adopted as a state religion around the time the Empire was rising from the ashes of the Republic, to legitimize rule from above. Divine right of kings. Ancient Israel was a monarchy.
While the origins of the Trinity, the young god born in the spring, of the old god and the earth mother, were obscured, because the Catholic Church was the eternal institution.
When the West went back to democracy and republicanism, it required separation of church and state, essentially culture and civics. Which is socially dysfunctional.
So we are constantly building up these models, breaking them down, making new ones out of the pieces of the old, etc. To the point we are just patching the patches.
So some people like to make up their own combinations and get called heretics, oh, wait, conspiracy theorists.
Looking at the Catholic Church, the Boy Scouts, Epstein, etc, is Qanon really so far fetched, to presume there are creeps in high places?