What is globalism?
It's like lots of terms, with both good and bad implications. The fact is we are all a particular species of creature on the surface of some little orb in space.
Christianity and Islam were early forms of globalism, in trying to form some social system that connected people across their tribal cores.
This is where the dichotomy of synchronization versus harmonization comes in. Organisms and ecosystems.
We can't synchronize the globe, but we can understand it functions/harmonizes as an ecosystem.
The feedback between and across all the communities, not everyone spiraling/synchronizing around the same totem.
As for Iraq, chalk that up to American immaturity, best exemplified by Bush Jr. Give him his crayons and paint and send him back to his room.
World War 2 was an extremely formative experience for the United States. It was a collective effort that drew everyone into a common purpose and united a country that really was primarily at most a generation or two, or three from immigrants. So there was no real collective past to give it context, it was enormously successful and relatively painless, at least compared to the rest of the world.
Not to mention much of the technology was either new, or a generation old. Consider that someone 50 years old, in 1945, grew up before cars were all that common. Basically an adrenaline rush. Then we had the Old World, with their monarchies dying and communism rising in its place. The good versus bad contrast was easy to make, for people not inclined to look too deep.
Then the Soviet Union falls apart and China becomes China Inc. The clarity was lost. The bureaucracy and its military adjunct had too much inertia to just evaporate. Lots of people and little countries have served as punching bags.
The money would have been much better spent fixing the country, but that wasn't particularly macho. Too much like housework.
Now it's all about chasing the dollar. The medium has become the message.
Now that will evaporate.