What would actually be interesting, given the degree to which theist versus atheist has been beaten into the ground, is to explore the relationships between religion and politics.
Consider democracy and republicanism originated in pantheistic cultures, while Ancient Israel was a monarchy and Rome adopted Christianity specifically for the monotheism, to validate the Empire rising from the ashes of the Republic. The Big Guy Rules. Just like the religion.
Superstition doesn't necessarily coalesce as monotheism. That requires significant intentional focus and herding, which is generally a political goal. Reality is more of a spectrum, between the centripetal and the centrifugal. More pantheistic.
A good book on the origins of Greek religion, effectively the conceptual foundations of the West, is Gilbert Murray's; The Five Stages of Greek Religion; https://www.gutenberg.org/files/30250/30250-h/30250-h.htm