Which does go to the basic dynamic of reasoning, ie, trying to extract signal from the noise. Which is reductionist and static, while the noise is dynamic and encompassing.
We can’t perceive energy, only the forms it manifests. Otherwise it would be a whiteout, like leaving the shutter open. Yet energy is the process generating these forms and they make minimal sense in isolation.
Consider that galaxies are energy radiating out, while form coalesces in. We have the digestive, respiratory and circulatory systems processing the energy driving us on, along with the central nervous system sorting though whatever forms it focuses on. As such, the process goes past to future, while the patterns generated go future to past. The consciousness bubbling up goes past to future, while thoughts go future to past.
So thoughts are like waves rising and falling. Actually though, they are more like waves cresting. Feelings and emotions are the rising and falling part, that we sense, but are not perfectly formed, so not quite thoughts.
Consequently what drives us is not so much the objects of our desire, as the fact of our desire. The appetite that gives the banquet of life meaning. For food, for power, for pleasure, for knowledge. For life. Fuel for the fire.
Yet we need to give that desire focus and structure. Which means deciding which desires and impulses to encourage, discourage, avoid, etc. So it is the conflict between the anarchy of desire and the tyranny of judgement. The heart and the head. Youth and age. Liberal and conservative.
Does it matter that this knowledge isn’t complete? Would we want it complete? Other than the momentary satiation? Isn’t that when they throw the dirt in over us? Patterns go start to finish, while the process churns out new ones. Like products go start to finish, while the production line goes the other way, consuming material and expelling product.
The basis and context of the signal is the noise. That’s why life seems lost, when we hold onto the node and ignore the network. Even truth is relational, in order to be relevant.
Cosmic convection cycles, not singularities.