While physics describes space as three dimensions, that's a mapping device, like longitude, latitude and altitude.
If we remove all physical properties from space, the qualities that remain are infinity and equilibrium.
Infinity, because there is nothing to bound, or define. Equilibrium is implicit in that the frame with the longest ruler and fastest clock is closest to the equilibrium of the vacuum, the unmoving void of absolute zero, as opposed to a frame moving at the speed of light, where both dilate to zero.
The most elemental dynamic is thermodynamics, as expressed by galaxies, as the energy/light radiates out, while structure coalesces in.
The light radiates toward infinity, while the structure coalesces toward equilibrium.
As entropy would explain light/energy expanding, to fit the infinite container, why does structure, which is still essentially light/energy coalesce?
My suspicion is its default state is to synchronize. One big wave is more efficient than lots of small ones, even if it holds more energy. We witness this occurring in all forms of structure, both organic and inorganic. From mass to mobs.
Consider that anything that actually falls into the black holes at the center of galaxies and not radiated out before hand, is shot out as quasars. Which would seem to be giant lasers and lasers are synchronized light waves.
Also the issue of Dark Matter, to explain all the gravitational effect in excess of the mass to explain it; What if we are looking at it backward and mass is simply intermediate effects and stages of the centripetal dynamic referred to as gravity?
going from the barest bending of the light, to the vortices at the center.
While physics sees light as either waves or particles, both are forms. What if the energy manifesting the wave/particle is not totally synonymous with the form? As this present state, energy drives the wave, while the fluctuations rise and fall. So the energy goes past to future, while the structures, forms, information come and go, future to past.
So then the light is reaching out toward nothing, as the resulting structure collapses toward nothing.
The light is real, in that it manifests, but any form it expresses is an effect. Illusion.
Consciousness also goes past to future, while the perceptions, emotions and thoughts giving it form and structure go future to past. The digestive system processes the energy, feeding the flame, the nervous system sorts the information.