Wouldn’t a logical recourse be to consider concepts relative to context? Nodes in the network?
Then it’s more of a dichotomy. Yin and yang, rather than the monist idealism.
Positive feedback leads us to create these conceptual nodes, then we start examining them and negative feedback kicks in, as the networks of connectivity kick in. So it becomes a cycle of expansion/consolidation.
If we take all physical properties away from space, it would still have the non-physical qualities of infinity and equilibrium. Infinity as nothing to bound it and equilibrium being implicit in GR, as the frame with the fastest clock and longest ruler is closest to the equilibrium of the vacuum.
So what fills space is energy and the forms it manifests. Energy radiates toward infinity, while forms coalesce toward equilibrium. Thus galaxies as cosmic convection cycles of light expanding out, as mass coalesces in.
With a focus on form, as concept, we are constantly distilling downward, seeking the signal in the noise. Meanwhile ignoring the noise being left behind/radiated away, as context for the signal.