Yet if time was infinite, we would just stuff it with more infinite.
We edit, because thought is an editing and organization of perception, motivated by emotion.
The collective reality is the basic. From this, we all grow in multitudes of ways.
Growth is defining and thus limiting. What we express becomes part of who we are. The more we try to control our world, the more it pushes back.
So it has to be a process of editing. Of perceiving, but resisting judging. Otherwise we fall into the ruts. And fights with others making judgements.
Sometimes we arrange categories to order the information.
When we are young, we don't know much, but have the capacity to learn.
As we get older, keeping track of what we learned and finding ways to organize it, so it doesn't just whiteout is the issue.
You seem to have developed several different personalities, frames to cover different, not always compatible ways of thinking, knowledge.
I guess I just try putting anything that doesn't fit onto it's own, or a larger context.
The problem is that makes me have to contextualize more and more, to the point I try figuring out the world, even if there is nothing I can do about it.
Yet something keeps me doing it.
Whatever wave it is that I'm riding.