Yet what if reality is more the tension and feedback between polarities, than any ultimate state, being, answer? More yin and yang, than God Almighty? Certainly the quest for the ultimate, absolute has many twists and turns, but what if the absolute stands in contrast to the infinite?
Galaxies are energy radiating out, as structure coalesces in. Knowledge also seems inherently centripetal. That in distilling signals from the noise, our thought processes are naturally reductionist, yet if we don't cycle back and look at the larger context, there is that tendency to spiral down the rabbit hole.
Such as efficiency; Which is to to do more with less, so the ultimate state will be when we can do everything with nothing.
How about feedback loops? Also referred to as echo chambers. If there are no circuit breakers, it's like sticking the microphone up to the speaker and the shriek goes parabolic.
The Ancients devised debt jubilees to the feedback loop of compound interest 3000 years ago and now we seem stuck in a similar doom loop.
My sense is that humanity really hasn't internalized the implications of the earth being round, not flat. We are linear, goal oriented creatures in a cyclical, circular, reciprocal, feedback generated reality.