Yet what is entropy? Order coalesces to equilibrium, but energy radiates to infinity. Is it everything canceling out, or fading out? They really are diametrically opposed.
Galaxies are energy radiating out, as mass/form coalesces in and the effect is a cosmic convection cycle.
That's the problem with humanity. We are these mobile organisms, with a sequential process of perception and a narrative based culture, so it tends to be all about the pot of gold/punch line at the end of the narrative arc. While nature is all about cycles and feedback.
Liberal and conservative are just the social yin and yang of the energy propelling it on, while the coalescing cultural and civic forms define it. Energy and form. Youth and age.
The anarchy of desire, versus the tyranny of judgement. The heart and the head.
People, even college professors, make stuff up, rather than stop and listen, because its better to act like you know what's going on, than appear that you don't.