Yin and yang, rather than God Almighty.
The dialectic of the absolute is the infinite.
Light radiates toward infinity, as structure coalesces toward equilibrium/zero. The absolute, the black hole in the center.
Western culture is entirely about structure and thus coalescing to that point. It views information as paramount, with consciousness emerging from the processing of information and reality as bits/quanta of information. Its cosmology presumes the universe expands from a point and might eventually return there. Even though it has to abuse the theoretical premises on which it is based. If space expanded, the speed of light would have to increase proportionally, in order to remain constant, yet the theory assumes two metrics of space, based on the speed and spectrum of the same light.
Yet the energy of life and reality in general, is bottom up, expressed most basically as waves, while structure is the top down formulations that coalesce out of it. Even anything actually falling into black holes and not broken down and radiated out before, is shot out the poles as quasars.
So the fact the end result is the medium of exchange is the only device holding this culture together, will also be its downfall, as the debt and imaginary money goes parabolic and it all swirls into the abyss.
The only recourse is to sit back and wait for opportunities. Either the parasite kills the host and life starts from the bottom, or it finally sets off an immune response that kills the parasite.
I suspect the next generation is starting to realize it must react, even as this system tries to turn them into spiritual sausage.