You are certainly welcome. Finding other people even willing to discuss these ideas is difficult.
Your first article, going into the relationship between time and thermodynamics, should be a given in any reasonable understanding of reality. It does go to the conceptual basis for that cyclical, circular perception of time. Unfortunately we live in a human centric reality, where the narrative paradigm is paramount and this belief that time exists as an actual dimension of events and the physical dynamic generating them is seen as the illusion. Even the model of the entire universe, the Big Bang, sees the projection as preceding the process. Here is a response I recently wrote to another medium article, pointing out the most flagrant patch to the theory;
I actually did read and respond to your first article, raising the point about time. Having been raised around more horses and cattle than people, I come at these issues from even more of a bottom up, physiological, sociological perspective. Here is a article, where I try tying the physical processes into their biological and social consequences;