You are focused on effects, rather than causes.
For one thing America might have a history of African slavery, but the history of slavery is associated with debt bondage back to the dawn of history, long before there was a coherent Europe, let alone an America.
The fact is that money functions as a social contract, between the individual and the community, a voucher system, but we are trained to the notion that it is a commodity and private property.
The reality is that as an economic medium, it is a public utility, like roads. We own it like we own the section of road we are using, or the air and water passing through our bodies.
As a contract, the asset is backed by a debt, so to store the nearly infinite amounts of money capitalism assumes is necessary for our happiness, equal amounts of debt have to be generated.
One method is to squeeze the money flowing through the general economy, requiring it to run on debt and drawing that saved money back into circulation.
This creates a centripetal effect, as positive feedback draws the asset to the center of the community, while negative feedback pushes the debt to the edges. Since the financial circulation system is analogous to the body's circulation system, the effect is like the heart telling the hands and feet they don't need so much blood and should work harder for what they do get. The Ancients were forced to use debt jubilees to reset this dynamic and save their societies.
The other method is having the government as debtor of last resort. The capital markets could not function, without the governemnt siphoning up trillions in surplus wealth. The secret sauce of capitalism is that public debt backs private wealth.
Making this primarily a racial issue, even if the effects are, only distracts from and covers up the underlaying cause. There has been a long history of using social issues to hide the facts.
Though the powers that be might have pushed their own looting of society past the breaking point. Time will tell. It does look like the Soviet Union, circa 1989.