You are welcome.
To the Ancients, gods were public, generalized ideas and concepts. Of which there are many, some more powerful than others.
Monotheism, as a political, social, tribal concept, equated with monoculture. One people, one rule, one god.
Democracy and Republicanism originated in pantheistic cultures, as they implied multiculturalism.
The Romans adopted and co-opted gnostic Christianity as the Empire solidified and reminders of the Republic were erased.
Vestiges of pantheism remained, in the Trinity, which came from the greek year god cycle, of the son reborn in the spring, of the sky god and earth mother, so it was the original basis for the story of Jesus getting so popular and couldn't be eliminated, but since the Catholic church was considered the eternal instiution, had to be obscured, at least until Luther tried what Jesus tried with Judaism, push the reset button.
So the default political model for Europe, for the next 1500 years was monotheism, the Big Guy on top.
When the West went back to less centralized systems, it required the separation of church and state, culture and civics.
For Islam, the pattern is reversed, since it originated on the edges of the Empire, with people who saw the value of a common creed, larger than the tribal. So the religion came before the state, so the idea of separation of state and religion is more difficult.