You do need to look at both sides. The Ukrainians have been seriously encouraged to get in Russia's face by the West. Logically assuming the West had their back.
Yet the joke among those actually trying to see all sides was the West wanted a war with Russia to the last Ukrainian.
Which is pretty much exactly how it is playing out. It's like the cool kids telling the little dumb kid he can be cool too, if he pokes the bear.
The reality is the West wants as much blood as possible, so it can turn Russia into a pariah and defeat it economically.
Yet what happens when the Ukrainians realize they were just bear bait? Might some of that anger turn west, as well? What are the odds some of those weapons, rocket propelled grenades, heavy machine guns, etc, start turning up in the hands of the immigrant gangs around Europe, that haven't forgotten they are also victims of the West's various imperial adventures.
What about next January, as the resurgent Republicans are organizing the impeachment of Biden, with Hunter's antics in Ukraine front and center?
After a summer of 5 and 6 dollar gas, are they going to forget that and stick with the March narrative?
It a big chess board out there and we are playing checkers.