You might consider projecting the analogies out much further.
For instance, we are all cells in the communal organism and when it is unhealthy, either the individual cells reflect that lack of health and work to improve it collectively, or they separate from the larger organism, then feed off it in order to improve their own condition. Which amounts to various degrees of narcissism and sociopathy.
When you are talking millions and billions of people, its not culture or politics, it's biology.
The fact is we are driven by our desires and guided by our judgements. Not all desires are healthy, nor all decisions wise, so it is constant process of interaction.
Energies radiating out, as form coalesces in. Like galaxies.
As the executive and regulatory function of society, government is analogous to the central nervous system, while money and banking, as the value circulation system, are analogous to blood and the circulation system.
Obviously there isn't any conscious cultural grasp of this process, as we all function seemingly autonomously, blind to the larger dynamics driving society.
For instance, as government originated from individual initiatives, it developed as a form of private enterprise, aka, hereditary monarchy. Though as these systems progressed through generations, they would lose sight of the social functions enabling their authority and would be overthrown. Eventually to the point government became recognized as a public utility.
Now banking is currently having its own, "Let them eat cake." moment, as they lose sight of the fact they are primarily a transactional function, a medium of exchange, rather than an actual store of value.
Much like blood is a medium, while fat is a store.
The fact is that there isn't the investment potential for everyone to save individually, but we all save for similar reasons, so the concept of the commons, as a communal store of value, will have to be resurrected and updated, with necessary circuit breakers to minimize individual excesses. Basically some cultural connection between rights and responsibilities has to be recognized.
The irony of our individual ethos is the resulting atomized culture is more easily controlled by institutional authority and mediated by a parasitic financial system.
Networks matter as much as the nodes inhabiting them.