You really should proofread before you post, if you want people to sense that you have any idea what you are saying.
Israel is performative art by a crumbling West.
The Chosen thing really is Bronze Age tribalism. The reason it was starting to get past its sell by date, 2000 years ago, was that with the Roman Empire, the tribes of the region had to integrate into that larger system. Since the Jews didn't want to go along, the Romans kicked them out.
While your Grandma might think you are extra super special, when you go and put it up in lights and scribble it in all the books, it's narcissism and it's what gets you beat up on the playground.
Americans like to think we are the Exceptional Ones, but to everyone else, we are the ugly Americans.
It is tough seeing the world through other's eyes, but necessary, if you want to get along.
Basically, grow up.