You've got a pretty clear grasp of the situation.
The fact though, that with billions of people in the world, hundreds of millions in this country, all pretty much driven by some degree of desire for security and indoctrinated to the belief, well supported by their few beings, that money will provide this security, it isn't really the rich driving this wave, as they simply are riding it the most successfully.
You do grasp that it is not simply a commodity, but a social contract, both nodes and the network supporting the digits.
Yet we live in a object oriented paradigm, where nodes are the objects of attention and the networks are just the noise in which they exist, so the basic belief systems supporting this culture of money and the economy of debt supporting it, runs very deep. Debt doesn't matter, until it does.
So it really is a matter of building up what one can and waiting for the big crash and seeing what emerges.
The current culture wars seems like an effort to distract attention from the underlaying problems. Surprising the powers that be are suddenly on the side of the most downtrodden, against much of the middle class. Suggests divide and conquer.
I suspect anyone trying to offer alternative to the status quo will not gain much traction in this situation.
Personally I'm trying to appeal to the people you suggest have their heads in a good place and pointing them toward the future that will be a reaction to this current situation. I don't try bothering with the politics, just sense the physics driving it. Keeps me sane.
Patience and perseverance.